The 20 Questions for Gaming Addiction Quiz​

1. Does the use of digital gaming interfere with your sleeping?

2. Has your digital gaming usage interfered with or affected your personal relationships?

3. Do you ever feel remorse about the way you use digital gaming?

4. Does your use of digital gaming boost or lower your self-esteem?

5. Does digital gaming cause financial problems (e.g., gambling, shopping, or purchasing hardware or software products)?

6. Does digital gaming use negatively affect your work performance?

7. Do positive or negative reinforcements from your digital gaming cause you to continue to use it when you know you should stop?

8. Do you lose time from school/work because of your digital gaming use?

9. Has your digital gaming use affected your reputation among your family, friends, school, or business?

10. Do you try to schedule or control the use of your digital gaming but find that you can’t?

11. Does good fortune drive you to digital gaming use?

12. Does misfortune compel you to use digital gaming?

13. Do you feel an obsessive urge to use digital gaming to escape feelings of boredom or loneliness?

14. Do you crave digital gaming after a short time without it?

15. Have you substituted one game for another?

16. Do you feel an urge to use your digital gaming as soon as you awaken?

17. Have you ever stolen to enable your continued digital gaming use?

18. Have you lied to or manipulated others to further your digital gaming use?

19. Do you feel it would be almost impossible to live without the uncontrolled use of digital gaming?

20. Do you use digital gaming to enhance or replace normal sexual relationships, or has your use of digital gaming affected your sex life in some other way?

twelve steps for digital gaming addiction

The Twelve Steps Are The Most Effective Method For Treating Addictions In Human History

Now they are applied to Digital Gaming Addiction.